2022 R&D Specials - IAGIM Health Sciences R&D NEW FIRST TIME COVID 19 TECHNICAL UPDATES LETTER, and JOURNAL SUBSCRIBERS Get any ONE year Journal Subscription and COVID 19 Updates This Month COVID 19 Update includes state-of-the-art data e.g. Locum undertakes extensive R&D on Covid 19 Viral spike construction. The spike consists or 3 long protein chains of 1100 AA each making a total of AA = 3300 that fold into a spike like shape. The spike is slowly degradating internally and has approximately prior to it totally collapsing internally. This persistant ongoing internal mutations of the spike are creating its on self-destruction by multple position weaking of the internal spike bonding system. This internal movement within the spike will result in a non-function evolution within the next 28 to 32 months. (As of writing this update on September 1st, 2021). The spikes shelf life expires on and about December 2023. and get a first-timer Journal 50% discount . |
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